Monday, October 13, 2008

10 Minute Meeting

What methods are you proposing to use to gather research and analyze the data gathered? How are you progressing on the methods you intend to use–this includes status of your contacting people, timing happenings, any results you may have collected to date, and plans for future work needed.

My two methods of research include a written survey, to be administered on campus the week of October 20th through 24th as well as throughout the semester via e-mail, and a reaction observation study, to be completed Saturday, October 18th.

The survey consists of 5 questions. After completing the surveys, I will organize appropriate data into spreadsheets, pie charts, and bar charts. The information provided will help me understand the general public's idea of what "CUTE" is and how these responses match up with demography. I can then begin to connect my results with previous scientific studies, comparing and contrasting findings.

The reaction observation study involves installing over-sized eyeballs in the trees of Kansas State's campus. After installation, I will observe and record reactions from passersby.

Ultimately, results from both studies will help me create a design brief for my furniture project.

Where are you in gathering information and writing your Literature Review/Design Brief? How are you proposing to meet the deadline for the Final Literature Review/Design Brief due on November 4th?

I have been proceeding through my book sources, extracting important facts and quotations, as well as trying to connect information across studies. I am beginning to compile a rough list of "cute cues," specific features of a human, animal, or object considered to be "CUTE."

I have also been compiling a list of case studies and started to list cute cues for each precedent. When I have completed with this, I will start to go more in depth, connecting my own interpretations with scientific studies.

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